Books on Covid-19
The German book market has long been struggling to find an answer to the question of what the pandemic is doing to the world and how the world is changing because of it. The expectation and hope that a new world is being created is a shared theme among many authors.
Single title

Pandemics are nothing new. The literature of medical history is filled with them. So the latest pandemic was only a...
Pandemics are nothing new. The literature of medical history is filled with them. So the latest pandemic was only a matter of time. But when the SARS-CoV-2 virus began to spread, the world seemed completely unprepared. Germany has so far escaped quite lightly. The danger of the virus, at first so unfamiliar, has now become merely one among many other risks we face. So it is time to take stock of the situation and find ways in which we can return to a new normal.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-451-03314-8
- Author:
- Michael Rutz
- Pages:
- 128
- Price:
- € 15.00

Today, no one believes that our children could ever be better off. But that isn’t necessarily true! The sociologist and...
Today, no one believes that our children could ever be better off. But that isn’t necessarily true! The sociologist and experienced architect of the future, Harald Welzer, designs a good and a possible future for us. In realistic scenarios, he sketches specific images of the future in many areas that include work, mobility, digitisation, urban living, doing business and dealing with migration. He shows that the commonly touted "lack of alternatives" is in reality just lack of imagination. We have already achieved a lot that we can now build upon. We just need an idea of how it should be. And the we have to do it. The reward: a future worth living in; one we can look forward to.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-596-70348-7
- Author:
- Harald Welzer
- Pages:
- 320
- Price:
- € 12.00

Large sections of politics and business observe the mantra of growth and jobs, regardless of whether this is beneficial or...
Large sections of politics and business observe the mantra of growth and jobs, regardless of whether this is beneficial or harmful. And they try to convince us with theories of all kinds that without the unequal distribution of wealth we could not ensure the survival of humankind. But is that really true? In his provocative book, Günther Moewes uses convincing images and comparisons to refute this view, and he identifies some alternatives. Because the world is at a crossroads. If we do not finally decouple people's right to exist from gainful employment, we are heading inexorably toward a world of climate wars, climate refugees and pandemics, a world of which coronavirus gives us just a foretaste.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-939816-74-4
- Author:
- Günther Moewes
- Pages:
- 152
- Price:
- € 12.00

Be it in politics, business or private life, the coronavirus is now setting the pace. Thousands of companies are heading...
Be it in politics, business or private life, the coronavirus is now setting the pace. Thousands of companies are heading for bankruptcy, restrictions on civil rights that hardly seemed possible are being adopted without discussion. Many people are paralysed in fear and passivity. Governments are submitting themselves to the recommendations of experts, there is hardly any opposition to be seen, and the media are asking few questions. What is actually happening here? Paul Schreyer places the superficially chaotic reactions to the virus in an illuminating global context. He makes it clear that some of the current developments seem not to be random.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-86489-316-2
- Author:
- Paul Schreyer
- Pages:
- 176
- Price:
- € 15.00

Furlough schemes, home office and social distancing – the coronavirus crisis presents us with huge challenges. It is our mental...
Furlough schemes, home office and social distancing – the coronavirus crisis presents us with huge challenges. It is our mental state above all that suffers from the restrictive measures. The psychotherapist Gabriele Frohme offers some practical and immediate help, showing ways to overcome psychological stress in personal crisis situations – learning to deal with fears and get them under control; to strengthen the immune system and promote self-healing through exercise and relaxation exercises; to discover our own resilience and resources for coping with crises. In this way, we can remain strong in any crisis.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-432-11353-1
- Author:
- Gabriele Frohme
- Pages:
- 160
- Price:
- € 14.99

This book is about the simultaneity of events that have affected people and their daily lives, their work routine, and...
This book is about the simultaneity of events that have affected people and their daily lives, their work routine, and their understanding of what it means to be a citizen in different parts of the world during this global pandemic. It provides a global perspective on the transformations in the world of work caused by COVID-19. The collection of essays breaks down the general statistics and trends with glimpses of workers’ real experiences during the pandemic, of workplaces transformed or destroyed, of workers protesting against political measures, of professions particularly exposed to the coronavirus, and of the changing nature of some professions.
- 978-3-11-071689-4
- Author:
- Andreas Eckert, Felicitas Hentschke
- Pages:
- 278
- Price:
- € 24.95

The coronavirus pandemic will leave political scars. This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the global recession it is causing...
The coronavirus pandemic will leave political scars. This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the global recession it is causing and shows for the first time how much the shocks of the coronavirus will change the world economy. The European Union – like the USA and China – must pass several stress tests at once: in the medical, economic and business fields. The shocks caused by the pandemic have brought political disappointment with respect to epidemic policies, and in some cases are turning poeple away from democracy. At the same time, the EU also faces the risk of another euro crisis, the pressure for digital structural change and a need for stronger climate policies.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-658-31385-2
- Author:
- Paul J.J. Welfens
- Pages:
- 384
- Price:
- € 16.99

In Coronomics, Daniel Stelter lays the foundations for the future of the economy. His logic: whatever closes down must also...
In Coronomics, Daniel Stelter lays the foundations for the future of the economy. His logic: whatever closes down must also open again. But more resilient than before! Stelter explains how we need to position ourselves now for the future after Corona. The economic environment will be different: active central banks, active states, a rejection of globalisation. The return of inflation looms. This calls for different priorities: investment instead of consumption; genuine reforms of state and society. In this way, an Old Testament-like disaster can become the key to a prosperous future for us all.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-593-51321-8
- Author:
- Daniel Stelter
- Pages:
- 217
- Price:
- € 18.95

A new country sounds like a promise. In fact, it has already been here a long been, this new country,...
A new country sounds like a promise. In fact, it has already been here a long been, this new country, but now it must at last become visible. Verena Pausder draws a fascinating sketch of the future, courageous and uncompromising. It is the blueprint for a country that no longer relies on past prosperity, but which will change all our lives with new technologies, new lifestyles and, above all, new ideas. The New Country is a kind of declaration of principles by a generation that finally wants to take responsibility, and to continue to drive forward the social, political and ecological transformation.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-86774-655-7
- Author:
- Verena Pausder
- Price:
- € 20.00

In recent years, hospitals and doctors' practices have developed increasingly into commercial enterprises – to the detriment of patients and...
In recent years, hospitals and doctors' practices have developed increasingly into commercial enterprises – to the detriment of patients and staff. The system is strictly profit-oriented, while at the same time we can observe an enormous waste of human and material resources. The coronavirus pandemic has applied a magnifying glass to this situation: on the one hand we are enormously efficient, on the other, poorly organised and underfunded. Here Arunagirinathan, a medical doctor, sounds the alarm. He clearly identifies the shortcomings and shows what needs to change if the focus is to be on patients’ wellbeing, not on profit.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-499-00299-1
- Author:
- Umes Arunagirinathan, Doris Mendlewitsch
- Pages:
- 224
- Price:
- € 16.00

Our world is teeming with pathogens: the coronavirus, flu viruses, herpes and hepatitis viruses. Besides masks, keeping your distance and...
Our world is teeming with pathogens: the coronavirus, flu viruses, herpes and hepatitis viruses. Besides masks, keeping your distance and washing your hands vigorously, here are 50 simple and practical tips that really get the immune system in shape and make us strong against the invisible attackers.
With tips such as how to strengthen the biggest organ of our immune system, the intestine, with proper nutrition, what the best immunity-boosting snacks are, and what dietary supplements actually work.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-432-11399-9
- Author:
- Sven-David Müller
- Pages:
- 112
- Price:
- € 9.99

At the latest since "Fridays for Future", climate change has been recognised as one of the most urgent problems of...
At the latest since "Fridays for Future", climate change has been recognised as one of the most urgent problems of our time. Despite clear commitments to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, however, we are far from achieving those goals. Why do climate change deniers and fossil fuel lobbyists succeed time and again in torpedoing all climate protection legislation? This book demonstrates the strategies, networks and arguments they use in their fight, and reveals the interest groups that are blocking our future. A shocking report and a wake-up call: we need a strong climate policy!
- Publisher:
- 978-3-492-07027-0
- Author:
- Susanne Götze, Annika Joeres
- Pages:
- 304
- Price:
- € 20.00

Lola Randl lives far from the hustle and bustle of the big city. Out here, she believes she can escape...
Lola Randl lives far from the hustle and bustle of the big city. Out here, she believes she can escape the neuroses of the city folk. But when, in the spring of 2020, a new virus with its crown-like tentacles begins spreading across the globe, the question soon arises of how secluded a person really is out here. The narrator falls ill with a fever and cough; she's surely had the virus for a while now. Before long, the entire world seems to start falling apart. Every day, news of new horrors do the rounds, while a completely unprecedented fear spreads. As much as Lola tries to grasp the situation rationally: nothing is going to stay the way it is.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-7518-0006-8
- Author:
- Lola Randl
- Price:
- € 20.00

How do Germans look to the future, faced with the coronavirus pandemic? This first representative study of the new life...
How do Germans look to the future, faced with the coronavirus pandemic? This first representative study of the new life of Germans before and during the coronavirus crisis shows: many people have become poorer, but not unhappier. Their thinking about wealth has changed, with health becoming as valuable as money. New life qualities that they now appreciate include the feeling of having time and a wealth of relationships; the state too has been radiating social warmth. Confidence is therefore growing again – even in phases of uncertainty. The representative study of Germany covers a period beginning prior the coronavirus, in January 2020, through the crisis in March, up to the easing of restrictions from July 2020.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-8474-2466-6
- Author:
- Horst Opaschowski
- Pages:
- 166
- Price:
- € 19.90

If nothing else, the coronavirus crisis is holding up a large mirror in which we can recognise ourselves. Futurologist Matthias...
If nothing else, the coronavirus crisis is holding up a large mirror in which we can recognise ourselves. Futurologist Matthias Horx analyses the effects of the crisis: How is society changing? How are individuals, states, families and businesses responding to the challenge? What role is played by our fear of the future? And how can we change this into confidence? Will we go back to business as usual after a few months? Or are we experiencing a cultural shift, with everything changing direction and a whole new future emerging? Instead of a prognosis, Horx practices re-gnosis, self-change through retrospective foresight – and in so doing, he arrives at some surprising results.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-430-21042-3
- Author:
- Matthias Horx
- Pages:
- 144
- Price:
- € 15.00

This fair-fashion guide will tell you all you need to know about sustainable and ecological fashion and where you can...
This fair-fashion guide will tell you all you need to know about sustainable and ecological fashion and where you can buy it without much extra effort. As well as the first steps to having a more sustainable wardrobe and creating your own style with fair fashion, it introduces people and labels that are working for a better fashion industry. Inspiring photos as well as insider tips, for instance on zero waste, vegan fashion, up-cycling and recycling, ecological responsibility and fashion activism, as well as exciting facts and useful addresses round off the fashion guide.
- 978-3-95728-360-3
- Author:
- Jana Braumüller, Vreni Jäckle, Nina Lorenzen
- Pages:
- 256
- Price:
- € 28.00

It is now more popular than ever to share, exchange, borrow or recycle things, instead of owning too much and...
It is now more popular than ever to share, exchange, borrow or recycle things, instead of owning too much and buying even more. If you want to learn about some exciting sharing initiatives and get active yourself, you’ll find what you are looking for in this book.
Veronica Frenzel is part of the sharing scene in Berlin. Here, she presents the newest, most important and most innovative online and local initiatives for sharing, swapping or borrowing. She covers almost all aspects of life, from food and clothing, daily life and neighbourhood projects, to mobility, house-and-home, co-living, kids and family, culture and beauty. On a wide range of platforms and portals, people share clothes, cars, tickets and food, exchange books and art, and borrow games and tools.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-95728-269-9
- Author:
- Veronica Frenzel, Nunu Kaller
- Pages:
- 220
- Price:
- € 25.00

The acute phase of the Corona crisis placed the strengths and weaknesses of Austrian democracy under the microscope. Areas that...
The acute phase of the Corona crisis placed the strengths and weaknesses of Austrian democracy under the microscope. Areas that were already bumpy for the political system in normal times became stumbling blocks during the crisis. If, on top of this, parties and politicians that are open to authoritarian temptations come to dominate events, the danger to democratic coexistence will exceed the actual cause. But the next crisis is bound to come. Political scientist Tamara Ehs shows us how important it is to establish a crisis-proof democracy, and that safeguarding its social foundations should be seen more than ever before as an essential public service.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-85476-893-7
- Author:
- Tamara Ehs
- Pages:
- 108
- Price:
- € 12.00

Species extinction, climate crisis, poverty, mass migration and right-wing populism: we are facing countless global challenges. It is easy to...
Species extinction, climate crisis, poverty, mass migration and right-wing populism: we are facing countless global challenges. It is easy to fall into a state of shock. But despite the numerous paralysing developments, a variety of initiatives have set out to demand solutions to these problems, or to develop their own model approaches. The "Fridays for Future" movement is just the tip of the iceberg. "MAKE. WORLD. WONDER." tells stories of yesterday, today and tomorrow, about what we can do better.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-96238-259-9
- Author:
- Stefanie Ristig-Bresser
- Pages:
- 320
- Price:
- € 26.00

Although the urgent need for a socio-ecological transformation towards sustainability has long been acknowledged by practically everyone, modern societies are...
Although the urgent need for a socio-ecological transformation towards sustainability has long been acknowledged by practically everyone, modern societies are defending their prosperity and lifestyles more resolutely than ever before. We are stubbornly pursuing a socially and ecologically destructive policy of non-sustainability. The boom in right-wing populism has demonstrated how fragile the ecological-democratic project of recent decades has become. And the coronavirus pandemic is shifting priorities again toward policies of growth and incentives to consumption. This book outlines the latest research in the social sciences, in order to shed light on the peculiar persistence of non-sustainability.
- Publisher:
- 978-3-8376-5442-4
- Author:
- Ingolfur Blühdorn et al.
- Pages:
- 350
- Price:
- € 20.00