Literatur Parade
Il Tedesco Lingua Ospite al Salone
Austria, Germany and Switzerland band together to present the German language and literature at Italy’s biggest public book event, the Salone del Libro in Torino.
100 million people in Europe speak German as their first language and there are many connections between the German speaking countries and Italy which result in a large number of translations each year.
The programme of LITERATUR PARADE in Torino showcases freshly translated books from more than 20 German-speaking authors covering various literary fields, from literature to children’s books to non-fiction and graphic novels. Kafka will say hallo but topics addressed will also include diversity, living in times of political turmoil and climate crisis.
A lighter note will be introduced by a veritable parade from the fairgrounds to city centre of Torino. Love will be in the air, music blasting and words be sung, stressing the importance of literature.
Please find further information about the theme of the exhibition stand here: