Authors, Books, Awards

The earliest writing attempts of authors who later become famous mostly haven’t been passed down to us: their owners often destroyed them because they no longer made the grade. Whether the winners of the Frankfurt Young Stories writing competition will make a name for themselves one day remains to be seen. But in any case, their early stories and poems aren’t just lying around in a drawer or on a hard drive any more – they’re out in the world. The competition jury selected five prize winners from a field of 460 applicants aged between 13 and 25. Girls and women dominated with a total of 400 entries, and triumphed in the final selection as well.

Product/Business model: this category rewards particularly innovative products or business models created by publishing houses or similar organisations. Areas of innovation range from B2B to B2C, from websites/web services to new payment models, and from media archives, apps, e-books and podcasts to online events.
Process/Technology recognises new processes or technologies which are changing the way the publishing industry works, whether in editing, proofreading, sales, marketing or production: these technologies include AI solutions, text-to-speech, digital newsrooms in editorial departments and many more.
Personality/Digital Leader(ship) rewards individuals who have done important work in the field of digital publishing – through excellent change management in the context of digital transformation, for example, or by opening up the digital arena for the entire publishing industry.
Start-up/Founders recognises new players on the publishing market whose ideas are stimulating the entire industry. This category highlights particularly innovative, bold business ideas, even those which may not yet be market-ready. The Special Prize (which focuses on digital sustainability and ecology) is awarded to concepts or initiatives that aim to promote sustainability, ecology and/or a better work-life balance – goals which serve the common good and which go far beyond plastic-free book covers.