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Books That Travel 2024

Great stories travel and translate well
Buch vor Blick auf Berge
Kourosh Qaffari / Unsplash

Promoting literary translation fosters cultural exchange and enriches the global literary landscape. There are several tools to help books travel across linguistic borders. These include recognition and awards for translators and translated fiction and non-fiction books; educational initiatives that bring literary translation to schools and universities; translation grants and fellowships; book festivals, books fairs – especially those with Guest of Honour programmes – and literary events; collaborations between publishers in different countries; government-funded translation programmes; translators residencies; translators associations and initiatives; and book clubs that focus on translated literature. Perhaps you can think of a few more. 

These tools can all be harnessed to help create a more inclusive and diverse literary landscape that reflects the richness of global storytelling. Promoting literary translation is a celebration of cultural diversity and an investment in fostering understanding and empathy across borders. In this spirit, we are happy to present below a selection of books translated into English from German that have recently been published. Let’s raise a glass to the translators, publishers, advocates, librarians, and all those who work in the promotion of translated literature, mining for German-language gems they can bring to a broader audience through translation into English. Prost! 


At No Time Cover
Ilse Aichinger

At No Time

Seagull Books
Tasting Sunlight Cover
Ewald Arenz

Tasting Sunlight 

Orenda Books
Sisters in Arms
Shida Bazyar

Sisters in Arms

Scribe GB
Kairos Cover
Jenny Erpenbeck


Granta Books
The Inmate Cover
Sebastian Fitzek

The Inmate

Head of Zeus, GB
Dracula Park
Dana Grigorcea

Dracula Park

Sandstone Press

Jenny Erpenbeck, Kairos, translated by Michael Hofmann

Will you come to my funeral?
She looks down at her coffee cup in front of her 
and says nothing.
Will you come to my funeral, he says again?
Why funeral – you’re alive, she says.

An ordinary youth cover
Walter Kempowski

An Ordinary Youth

Granta Books
The Book of Commentary Cover
Alexander Kluge

The Book of Commentary / Unquiet Garden of the Soul

Seagull Books
Deep Dark Blue Cover
Seraina Kobler

Deep Dark Blue 

Pushkin Press
Overstaying Cover
Ariane Koch


Pushkin Press
No Storm, Just Weather Cover
Judith Kuckart

No Storm, Just Weather

Seagull Books
The Freedom of Emma Herwegh Cover
Dirk Kurbjuweit

The Freedom of Emma Herwegh

text publisher

Anne Weber, Epic Annette. A Heroine’s Tale, translated by Tess Lewis

Anne Beaumanoir is but one of her names.
She exists, indeed she does, not only in
these pages, but also, to be precise, in Dieulefit,
a village – ‘God-made-it’ – in south-eastern France.
Shes does not believe in God, but He no doubt believes in her. 
And if He does exist, then surely He made Anne.

I was Jack Mortimer Cover
Alexander Lernet-Holenia

I was Jack Mortimer

Pushkin Press
While We Were Dreaming Cover
Clemens Meyer

While We Were Dreaming 

Fitzcarraldo Editions, London
Siblings Cover
Brigitte Reimann


Penguin Books UK
Glorious People Cover
Sasha Salzmann

Glorious People

Pushkin Press
Without Waking Up Cover
Carolina Schutti

Without Waking Up 

Bullaun Press
Star 111 Cover
Lutz Seiler

Star 111

And Other Stories
Brothers Cover
Jackie Thomae


DAS Editions
Epic Annette: A Heroine’s Tale Cover Cover
Anne Weber

Epic Annette: A Heroine’s Tale

Indigo Press
About People Cover
Juli Zeh

About People 

World Editions


as mornings and mossgreen I. Step to the window Cover
Friederike Mayröcker

as mornings and mossgreen I. Step to the window

Seagull Books
Shining Sheep Cover
Ulrike Almut Sandig

Shining Sheep: Poems 

Seagull Books

Short Stories

Animals – Eight Studies for Experts Cover
Eval Menasse

Animals – Eight Studies for Experts

Seagull Books


The Visionaries Cover
Wolfram Eilenberger

The Visionaries

Allen Lane Publisher
Love in a Time of Hate Cover
Florian Illies

Love in a Time of Hate

Profile Books
In the long run we're all dead Cover
Björn Frank

In The Long Run We’re All Dead  

Haus Publishing

Björn Frank, In the Long Run We’re All Dead. The Lives and Deaths of Great Economists,
translated by Jamie Bullock

On 9 June 2013, the Swedish biochemist Alf Stefan Andersson, 
professor at the University of Houston, was battered to death 
by his girlfriend with her stiletto heel. That’s one way for 
an academic to get into the papers, I thought at the time. 
But a pointless one – it was a news item, not a story, 
and it certainly didn’t teach you anything about biochemistry.

Children / YA

Woodwalkers Book 3 Cover
Katja Brandis

Holly's Secret - Book 3 of The Woodwalkers

Arctis Books
Jitterbug Cover
Kai Lüftner


NorthSouth Books, New York
Me, In Between Cover
Julya Rabinowich

Me, In Between

Andersen Press


Sarah Hemens is the Project Director of New Books in German, which promotes German-language literature for translation into English in the UK, USA, and beyond. 

More information about the featured book collection can ​be found here:

Further Information