Interview with Arena Verlag’s Bianca Kuchenbrod

Based in Würzburg, Bianca Kuchenbrod is Senior Rights Manager for Arena Verlag, having started her publishing journey with a BA in Applied Foreign Languages; she speaks German, French and English as well as a bit of Spanish. On completion of her BA, Bianca headed to Paris where she studied Book Promotion and Marketing. She gained valuable experience through a summer job with the Frankfurt Buchmesse and a short internship with New Books in German. Bianca tells me she has now been with Arena for seven years and is involved in selling rights to English-speaking territories alongside the Baltics, Ukraine, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia, as well as co-editions and permissions – plenty to keep her busy!
In 2024, Arena has been celebrating 75 years of publishing. They have books for all kids and teenager age groups from 0 to 16, so I asked Bianca to introduce me some of their books and characters. Their popular picture books for the youngest readers include bold characters like The Strawberry Fairy, The Little Unicorn Finya Brightstar and Sam the Ram and they work on an exclusive basis with creators such as Stefanie Dahle and Andreas Schmachtl. Arena has seen success in the 2023 German Children’s Literature Prize with Karlchen – Charlie – a story book series by creators Lisa-Marie Dickreiter, Andreas Götz and Barbara Scholz. Success can also be measured through sales longevity and the middle grade character Lotta, created by Alice Pantermüller and Daniela Kohl, has now been going strong for over twelve years, with over twenty books in the series and rights sold to 35 languages.
In a sentiment that echoes discussions I have had with other publishers in other parts of the world, Bianca tells me that selling rights into English-speaking territories can be tough. She cites one US publisher who told her it is challenging to publish international authors, “even if they have sold over one million copies in their home country”. And in Bianca’s opinion, it seems access to English-speaking editors has become more difficult after the pandemic. With so much competition, how do you make sure your book lands on the right person’s submissions pile and get them to look at it?
That saying, Arena Verlag has had some notable successes. Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier (published 10 years ago by Henry Holt: is their longest-running seller in translation, translated into English by the late great Anthea Bell. I was also keen to hear more about The Woodwalkers series by Katja Brandis with volumes 1-3 available in English translation from Arctis Books, translated by Rachel Ward. In Germany, this series has six books in the main series, six books in the second season, a spin-off series called The Seawalkers with a further six books. There’s also The Woodwalkers and Friends, The Seawalkers and Friends, the Walkers series have been sold into over 20 territories and the first film is currently in production – phew! I asked Bianca how the English translation of The Woodwalkers came about: “For Arctis, I knew the German-language sister company and saw they were doing English-language books. I started connecting with them, we started talking about our best-sellers and it went from there.”
For younger readers too, Edinburgh-based Floris Books opened its arms to Evie the Strawberry Fairy by Stefanie Dahle, and Katja Alves and Andrea Stegmaier’s interactive 10 Little Owls Don’t Want to Go to Bed! (Time for Bed, Little Owls! translated by Polly Lawson). For Bianca, she thinks that sometimes it is easier to place picture books in other territories as “the pictures tell the story, so they are easier to share.”

10 kleine Eulen wollen nicht schlafen / 10 Little Owls Don't Want to Go to Bed

Holly's Secret - Book 3 of The Woodwalkers

The Ruby Circle
This interview initially appeared on the New Books in German website at New Books in German – New Books in German promotes German-language literature for translation into English (