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The Goldschmidt Programme for German- and French-speaking literary translators
The Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt Programme gives up-and-coming French, German or Swiss translators the chance to discover and learn more about the bookmarkets of these three countries.
Five German speaking and five French speaking young translators will benefit from the guidance of experienced professional translators thanks to two workshops, one in the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, Germany, and one in the Centre for International Literary Translation in Arles, France. Spread on a total of six weeks, these workshops will allow the attendees to work on a translation of a book of their choice and learn how to present it to the publishers they will be connected with throughout the programm.
This grant programme is organised jointly by the Frankfurter Buchmesse, the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO), the society for promoting French literature abroad (BIEF) and Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council.
You can find out more about the 2023 participants further below under "speakers".