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Lukas Bärfuss and Vanessa Springora in Conversation


My Father’s Box (Zoé Editions),The Patronym (Grasset)


11:00-11:50, Place de l'Europe & Stand Livre Suisse

What do we inherit from a father? At the very least, a name and a legacy. But what if these two notions, which seem so self-evident, are actually questionable? For Springora, it’s a vertiginous investigation with a Modianesque touch, while for Bärfuss, it’s a way of distancing himself from grief and questioning the very idea of inheritance. In this conversation, both authors attempt to answer this question: What can I know about the man my father was?

11:50-12:30h, Stand German Stories, Gare Maritime

Lukas Bärfuss will be signing books.

Moderator: Cindya Izzarelli

Organized by: Foire du Livre de Bruxelles, Frankfurter Buchmesse, Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia


Lukas Bärfuss and Vanessa Springora
©Lea Meienberg ©JF PAGA

Event time (Europe/Berlin)

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Place de l'Europe & Stand Livre Suisse
Gare maritime, Tour&Taxis
3 Rue Picard
1000 Bruxelles Belgium

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