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An Ode to Our Differences


A Conversation between Anja Wicki and Thierry van Hasselt


"Ça ira" is the title chosen by Anja Wicki to exorcise the upheavals in her life. But she is not alone in this world. Isn’t difference the true norm, in reality? This is largely what drives Thierry van Hasselt and the FRMK publishing house. Their mission is to showcase what is perceived as difference and promote its acceptance in society. Whether it is mental health, as addressed by the German-speaking author, or any other form of exclusion, this conversation explores the acceptance of others, especially through books.

Moderator: Elisa Brevet

11:50 - 12:30h Anja Wicki will be signing books.

Organized by: Foire du Livre de Bruxelles, Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia, Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH


Anja Wicki

Event time (Europe/Berlin)

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Place de l'Europe & Stand German Stories
Gare maritime, Tour&Taxis
3 Rue Picard
1000 Bruxelles Belgium

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