14:00-15:00 Marketing / New Social Media and New Channels
In the ever-changing world of book marketing, embracing new social media platforms and emerging channels is essential. It is important to constantly watch out for new developments while at the same time preparing content for book marketing for the different channels, especially content that appeals to young readers. How must a publishing company organise itself to be able to meet these challenges? What strategies exist if different products for different target groups are being promoted on Social Media channels? How do we use Instagram as opposed to TikTok? What has proved to be successful and what do we need to take into consideration? How can we save on these quite labour and cost intensive projects? Janni Deitenbach will take us into her world and share success stories as well as failures in her endeavors to create multimedia content, to leverage e-commerce and virtual book events.
Speaker: Janni Deitenbach, Head of Community Management, Bastei Lübbe AG, Germany
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:30 Webtoons and Games in Publishing
One of the most hip and popular genres for the young generation are webtoons, games and video content. In this session we want to explore what it is that makes webtoons so attractive and how publishers can leverage this type of content, and develop it further. Apart from that it is also video content and games that capture young people`s attentions, but – as we all know – can also disrupt social networks and environments. We will hear about new trends in gaming and will explore how publishers can leverage their content to attend to their old or new target audiences and expand storytelling horizons – and we are talking about young people mostly.
Speaker: Luc Bourcier, Independent expert in Comic Book Digital Publishing, France
16:30-17:00 Closing Diskussion with all speakers.
The program will take place at the 2024 Taipei International Book Exhibition: Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1, Conference Room 3 and simultaneously translated English / Chinese.
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