María Cecilia Barbetta was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1972 and grew up in Ballester, the neighborhood in which her second novel, Night Glowing (Nachtleuchten), takes place. Barbetta studied German as a foreign language and received a DAAD-stipend in 1996 to come to Berlin, where she has remained ever since.
Prior to the appearance of her first novel, she received the Alfred Döblin fellowship from the Akademie der Künste in 2007 and participated in the reknowned prose writers’ workshop at the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin. Her first novel, The Los Milagros Tailor Shop, was published in 2008, and was awarded prestigious debut novel prizes, including the Aspekte Prize for Literature and the Adelbert von Chamisso Prize.
In 2017, she was awarded the Alfred Döblin Prize for the manuscript of her second novel, Night Glowing, which was shortlisted for the German Book Prize 2018. Barbetta writes in German.
María Cecilia Barbetta nací 1972 en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Profesorado de Alemán. Viaja a Berlín en 1996 con una beca del DAAD (Servicio Académico de Intercambio Alemán). Doctorado en Germanística en la FU Berlin a fines de 2000. Se dedica a la escritura desde 2005 y publica en 2008 su primera novela escrita en idioma alemán: »Änderungsschneiderei Los Milagros« (S. Fischer). La segunda novela, »Nachtleuchten« (S. Fischer), publicada en 2018, estuvo entre los últimos seis libros finalistas al Premio Nacional de Literatura Alemana en la Feria del Libro de Fráncfort (Shortlist Deutscher Buchpreis 2018). La novela »Nachtleuchten« esta publicada bajo el título »Sol de noche« (traducción al castellano de Ariel Magnus) en la editorial Emecé. Barbetta es miembro del P.E.N. desde 2011.
María Cecilia Barbetta – Wikipedia (dt)
María Cecilia Barbetta - Wikipedia (engl)