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Daniela Danz
Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz

Daniela Danz was born in Eisenach/GDR in 1976. She studied art history and german literature and wrote her Ph.D. thesis on the construction of hospital chapels in the Weimar Republic. Afterwards she worked as director of a literature museum and is now head of a national competition for youth. Besides she is vicepresident of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz and teaches creative writing at the University of Hildesheim. She has published four volumes of poetry, Serimunt, Pontus, V and Wildniss and two novels, Lange Fluchten and Türmer and wrote operas texts such as Ben Frosts Opera „The murder of Halit Yozgat“. For her work she received several awards, such as the german award for Nature Writing, awards of the Academies of Arts in Bavaria and Berlin.


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