Maÿlis Vauterin is Rights Director at Stock publishing (Hachette group) in France. She is in charge of selling foreign and film rights. Stock is the oldest publishing house in France, as it exists since 1708. Its lists consists in hundreds of IPs to place with film producers, in France and abroad.
Following two years at the French Embassy in London, Maÿlis Vauterin worked in the foreign rights department of Grasset (Hachette group) during 6 years. She subsequently dealt with acquisitions and rights for Viviane Hamy Publishing House, an independent publishing house. In 2017, she was appointed as the Rights Director at Stock (Hachette Group), whose backlist includes Philippe Claudel, Isaac Bashevis Singer and James Balwin, between many others. After 15 years in publishing, she is especially enthusiastic to experience the growing interests of producers and platforms in book adaptation. I am looking forward to sharing thoughts about book to screen with the new generation of international professionals!