Physicist and engineer Oleg Symonenko first founded the successful Master Class Publishing House in Ukraine, which published textbooks, teaching materials and manuals for schools. It was the birth of his first child that got him thinking. He wondered how the body and soul of a human came into being? When is the first thought born in a person? What should be given to children for their optimal development in our world? The search for answers to these questions and the upbringing of his own child gave impetus to the development and publication of a whole new approach to children's books. This is how the publishing house Chas Maistriv came into being in 2007. In the meantime, Oleg has three children, over 100 children's book titles, 16 years of publishing experience and 14 employees.
Mekhed Alina, Master of Linguistics. Came into publishing in 2011 and works as a literary agent for children's publishers since then. Successfully sells and buys rights for "Publishing house "Chas maistriv"" as an employee, on behalf of the publisher "Chas Maistriv" takes part in different international grants and bookfairs. Alina thinks that the best work in the world is to wide-spread children's books of high quality throughout the world and therefore raise humans with high moral qualities and perfect estetic taste.