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10th Translation Day


Discover the programme for the 10th Translation Day at the Brussels Book Fair. On the agenda are three meetings highlighting translators working from German into French.


12:00-12:50 Translating? A lot of things could be said ...

What does it mean to translate? Is it a gesture of love? Or, as Mallarmé put it, is it about overcoming chance word for word? Is it even possible to share the practice of translation, or is it a matter of unspeakable intimacy?

A meeting between Stéphanie Lux (Des montagnes de questions, éditions de la Contre-Allée) and Josée Kamoun (Dictionnaire amoureux de la traduction, éditions Plon)
Moderated by Anne-Lise Remacle 
Read by Pedro Romero 
Organized by Foire du Livre de Bruxelles & Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH 


12:50-13:40 Non-German German languages

The German language is far from unique. It has spread to Austria, Switzerland and even Belgium. Over the course of history, these non-German German languages have metamorphosed, merged, differentiated or fought to protect their claimed identity.

With Françoise Wuilmart, Bruno Kartheuser, a third Swiss translator to be confirmed
Moderated by Fabienne Vanoirbeek
Organized by Foire du Livre de Bruxelles 


13:40-14:30 Translating a Nobel Prize

When translating a young author, is it possible to imagine that he or she will grow to become an international literary figure? Can / do we want to remain their ‘voice’ without flinching when the Nobel Prize is awarded to their work?

With Pierre Bisiou (translator of Han Kang, Nobel Prize 2024), Yasmin Hoffmann (translator of Elfriede Jelinek, Nobel Prize 2004) and Albert Bensoussan (translator of Mario Vargas Llosa, Nobel Prize 2010), attending by video conference.
Moderation to be confirmed
Organized by Foire du Livre de Bruxelles 



German Stories Event Stand Booth
© Terry Lin


Place de l'Europe - Gare maritime, Tour&Taxis
3 Rue Picard
1000 Bruxelles

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